Terry's Mom requested a painting of a country
cabin... here it is! |

Andy, Jim, Aaron, Mike and
Daniel... at Daniel's bachelor party. |

Mike, Terry and Terry's Grandma Barb during a
Christmas 2007 visit. |

Mike & Aaron during a football weekend at Applebee's. |

Aaron, Kim and Matt. |

Steve makes it on TV at Best Buy
demonstrating his skills on Guitar Hero! |

Josh at work at the Hyatt Regency Tampa's
restaurant, Avanzare. |

Chris Lloyd and Mike during a visit in 2007. |

Bill, Mike and Aaron during a
recent performance! |

Cindy, Bill, Terry and Mike at Tobacco Company Restaurant in
downtown Richmond on Terry's birthday. |

Terry outside of one of our favorite nightspots... Sine'. |

Lisa shows off her new Invicta watch! |

No need to take a cruise for towel animals! Terry
created the Cobra, Elephant and Frog for Bill and Cindy
during their visit! |

Kenny and Shannon enjoy some sailing in Jamaica. |

Great shot of Kenny and Shannon's family during a September
2007 vacation in Jamaica. |

Tampa Visit May 2007 |

Carrie and Tim allowing Terry to
be tall for a minute. |
 Aaron strums... |
 Aaron and Mike... following a couple
beers... |
 People were begging for us to continue to
play... |
hammers the skins... |
 View of Times Square from Mike's room on a
recent trip to NYC. |
 Daniel in NYC. |
 Aaron, Cameron, Lisa, Terry & Britney on
Memorial Day 2006. |
 Aaron, Cameron and Mike on Memorial Day
2006. |
 My man Josh! |
 The Bauer Gang! Josh, Steve, Francine
and Mike. |
 The Boys! Josh, Alex, Mike and
Steve. |
 Steve gets a free tank of
gas! |

I'm cute even when I'm snotty! |
 Terry, Cameron and Lisa. |
 Bob enjoys a bone in
the yard on a sunny fall day. |
 Brian |
 Southwest's latest paint job on a new 737...
based on my home state of Maryland's flag. |
 Riverdance! |
 NCB12 records Terry's creepy dance
performance as he hands out candy to kids during Trick or
Treat 2005. |
 OK, so Barbeque wasn't thrilled. But,
everyone ended up wearing this wig at some point during
Halloween 2005. |
 Steve's 16th
Party... |
 Mike &
Terry at some strange Easter event. |
 Gayle &
Marilyn at Freemont Street in Las Vegas. |
 Mike &
Terry atop the Stratosphere, Las Vegas. |
 Mike and
WOOF8. |
 Yes, it
flies!! |
 Bill &
Mike rode the "Big Shot" atop the Stratosphere. |
 Blue Man
Group... best show I've ever seen in Vegas! |
 Mike has a
nice win! Go Black 8!! |
 Keith, an
apple, and Mike. Don't know why. |
 Bill, Mike,
Cindy and Terry on the deck! |
and Dan. |

Marilyn, Terry and Julia partying
on! |

Dan, Mike and Gayle... no clue what was
happening! |

Terry in Montreal! |

Montreal at night. |
 Josh found the
Sparkles costume. |
 Terry and Mike... alcohol is
involved. |
and Mike at a 60's style birthday party. |
 Bill and the
love of his life... well, right after Cindy. |
 Scott... and
the new hot tub. |
 Terry gets a
great surprise... his Mom! |

It pays to know your bartender!! No
lines, no waiting! |
 Marlene, Terry, Troy
and Mike celebrate buying houses in Richmond! |
 Proof that crabs really can bite
hard! |
 Andy & Mike flirt with a cardboard
poster. Andy's waiting for her to
call. |